Magnetic Force Fields Designed by Thoughts and Focus

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Magnetic Force Fields Designed by Thoughts and Focus

Stonehenge and so many other mystical sites upon the planet that are powerful vortexes may have had many functions for communities throughout the seasons. Some have begun to understand the power and impact of piezoelectric substances upon activating a seed's ability to align fully with its most subtle energies, so that it can manifest wholly with a strong and vital immune system. 

Others have begun to understand the power of music and it's ability to be the river that can "sing into being" something desired or "sing out of being" something that is no longer either desired or whose time has come to leave. That said, imagine if atop the stones at Stonehenge there stood singers who, knowing specific earth dates for optimal times to activate seeds, do divine healings, be able to open multi-dimensional portals of sight and knowing, would sing specific songs that contained in and of themselves, specific geometries that would bring the desired affects? Indigenous cultures would know these as true "medicine songs". Amplified by many at specific times with the full support of the community, all focusing upon the same impact or outcome of these songs, who could in their own self-mastery, maintain their inner magnetics wholly enough to help draw in the desired outcome, a powerhouse of manifestation can occur. This may have been one of the uses of the pyramids found all over the planet on sacred sites.

Many of these sacred sites, in fact most of them are on vortexes of the planet that amplify energy as either transmitters or receivers, like a cell transport system. Those that know how to utilize them can increase the effects of the songs, the magnetics, the wholeness of the outcome as well as the speed with which the outcome comes in to physical form.

The multi-dimensional mechanics of songs, rhythms, magnetics and inner, Clear alignment with no inner obstruction, only fully flowing focus can change our world in quantum time...But first we must know this. :-) Truly, when all focus on one thing, our merkaba's alignment with it and totality of our physical cells that get their instructions from the energetic template of our merkaba, help manifest in physical form, that which we bring our inner gaze and our focus to - including thoughts, feelings, memories, triggers, aspirations and so much more of our inner terrain. 

Some "food for thought" my friends, as we open even more deeply to creating our Beautiful New Earth. Be aware as well that the dark forces that are doing all they can to create chaos, death and pain upon this planet know these techniques too. They are presently being used with more focus to keep our inner vibrations lower and more dense which makes it more difficult to access "cleanly" as in energetically neutrally clean before focusing upon our true, desired outcome.  Fear and confusion are powerful 'tools of war' as well they know. Our job? To walk as energetic masters that are not influenced by these forces.

The work before us is to self-master our inner terrain in ways that move beyond religion, beyond present day science and into multi-dimensional mechanics of the magnetic Light that we are all made from - the Light that contains all the memories of the soul, the gifts, the wisdoms as well as the knowing about right action in situations before us each day.

I've created and hold "Life Training Immersions" that bring you through the actual in-depth, gentle experiences of these states, give you the tools to continue the abilities in your daily Life and open to even more of your own divine mastery as you grow. My private personal healing sessions also go into "Deep-Soul Surgery" to help you take quantum leaps in your personal activations, initiations and soul evolution. These experiences and tools profoundly activate, heal and teach you how to bridge to the inner space from which to create the most powerful "You" that you can, in physical form. 

There are new sciences being birthed right now my friends, that will give us a more accurate maps of what we, as humans are capable of being, doing and creating. May the magic begin! 

LS & D, Cosmic being, magic, soul, inner Light, .jpg

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May we "mind our thoughts"


May we "mind our thoughts"

May we mind our thoughts..They are transmissions to Creation and ring back what we send out, consciously or unconsciously. Whether we believe in it or not, it is natural physics. "It's all music" is what I always say and it is, for real. Quantum signals and the more subtle levels of what we carry and resonate affect every aspect of our Lives and those around us.

Carrying and emitting destructive or fearful emotions creates more of the same, until we stop and check-in. Learning to do this sooner and sooner can make all the difference in our choices and the outcomes of our Lives.

Let us each do what we can to remember the impact of our breath and thoughts, the way we carry our skeleton and body positioning, and bring them to peace of being vibrationally 'neutral' as much as we can, whenever they start creating chaos and imbalance.

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Be the Vibration of Wisdom


Be the Vibration of Wisdom

New Earth Child

Yep! As my sister Ellenjane would say, “Put on your big girl/boy panties and grow up!”. If most knew the truth and levels of deception that are about to be unearthed and obliterated, much would be different right now. Turn off the mainstream entrainment devices. Understand the subtle architecture of the reality many were raised in and know that it’s all about to change. Not because of an election but because “good” is rising. The Light is rising. In all of us. Whatever the triggers are that get you there, whomever you voted for or whatever your fears are, Stop!

Stop and just breathe and understand the power You have as a divine being of Light to change your reality, NOW. You know how this works. Breath, rhythms of breathing and “state” of being (In these “United States”).

When you are having a "great day" you are vibrating physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically at a higher vibration and it makes the day flow. "Bad day"/lower vibration creates one frustration or letdown after another. Most don’t understand why, what the triggers are or how to instantly change them.

It’s what I teach in sessions, in my trainings and much more. Time for us all to collectively grow UP in vibration. Stop being distracted/triggered/reactive to intentionally engineered events and get on with creating our own brand of Living here on this planet, right now, together. Try that instead of hate and fear mongering. Distracting behaviors stop us from looking within, connecting with the sacred divine we are all made from and keep us separated from each other. Enough, sacred friends…United, we are Brighter. Separated, we grow more dim. It’s that simple. Choose. Find new ways of being. “Build bridges not bombs” is another teaching I share. 

Please stop the self-righteous hate posts, rants and conversations that mainstream media supports. Just stop..the fear.. and realize how fooled so many have been by "fake everything" for the last 60+ years! One finger points with three pointing back…remember? See what’s been going on and who benefits. I can guarantee you, being in that chaotic, reactive inflamed “state” of being, is not your natural state, nor is it where you are embodying your strongest natural abilities. Beyond that though, if we each BE our own person without being so reactive to everything much more change can be facilitated. Get grounded my friends.  Breathe and connect within, to your own powerful divinity! Learn how to control and re-calibrate and balance your own subtle energy. Make that your quest if it calls to you.

If you want to create a new reality, create it. If you want to complain and be in fear about what may be or could have been, fine. But understand the impact that that way of being has upon your own Life. It’s Your Life. Your vibrational resonance that You choose, regardless of outer circumstances. If you choose what makes you feel more whole with deeper, more complete strength that is not based upon reactive “against” anything behavior, you may begin to experience more inner peace and wholeness.

What if those qualities and abilities were our priority? This is my quest  - to teach and share new systems and paradigms that take us away from this dark, dense, war-mongering way of being into more practical, elevated states of being where we are truly meant to be, together.

I’m putting this out there, asking you all to consider this. What if we all stood together with a Knowing..Connected with our sacred divinity, each in our own way and were able to actually experience that divine in and with each other? THAT, in my way of seeing, is what we ‘should’ be doing instead of all the ridiculous stuff that is going on right now.

Mature comments towards each other, that have wisdom, kindness, respect, honor and integrity are encouraged. If you cant’ hold back your venom, consider that it is in you and you are carrying it, furthering its energy. It is not the energy I invite. Just passing this along as the awakening is finally here. The railroad tracks are diverging now. Stay connected and in tune with your divine nature as you walk through these changes or be 'outer-reactive'..the choice is always yours and new in each new breathe.

Many have worked all their Lives towards this time, never knowing fully when it was going to come or if we’d even Live to see it. It’s here now and it’s only just begun. Choose, my sweet friends and may we each hold the space and share from our deeper Light with wisdom and integrity.

Wishing us all a better reality and better “states” of being in these United States and for all upon this great planet.

Aho, Hetch etu aloh, Mitakuye oyasin.



The New Human

The rules have changed. Light Leaders all over the earth are birthing a new way of being human and a new way of being in relationship with each other and all aspects of Creation. The Light that we are all born from has awakened within and the memory of our soul's Light that it carries is now coming forth, en masse. We have vibrationally risen up in octaves to re-connect with the higher vibrational realities, and we are creating new paradigms based upon wholeness and cohesiveness rather than "dominate and destroy". 

The New humanity is awakening from the dark grip that kept the deep slumber and forgetting alive and it can no longer hold the Light back. Finally, the New Earth is born and with it, a whole new way of being human. Within these pages you'll find bridges, maps and teachings to give you practical navigational tips for self-leadership and Life-mastery.

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